
The four major concepts of the Olympic Winter Games 2022

(绿色办奥、共享办奥、开放办奥、廉洁办奥 deliver an Olympics in 2022 with a "green, inclusive, open and clean" approach)

  • 筹备工作 preparatory work
  • 筹办城市 host cities
  • 绿色场馆/场地 green venues
  • 水质监测 water quality monitoring
  • 严格落实生态环境保护措施 ...strictly implement environmental protection measures
  • 达到三星标准 to meet the three-star standard
  • 国家速滑馆 nationalspeed skating oval
  • 表土剥离 topsoil stripping
  • 植物近地迁地保护小区 plantin/ex situ protection plots


  • We're off./ Off we go. 我们走。/我们走。
  • I am off today.我今天休息。
  • I fell off the ladder.我从梯子摔了下来。
  • She lives off campus.她住在校外。
  • Tell them the whole thing is off.告诉他们整件事情取消了。
  • All shirts are 10% off.全部衬衫打九折。
  • Many people were at the airport to see them off.许多人到机场为他送行。
  • He set off for a ten-day trip.他动身去旅游十天。


accomplish+ task/ mission/ goal/ objective

  • 一事无成 accomplish nothing
  • 不辱使命 successfully accomplish the mission
  • 大有作为 accomplish much
  • 创造奇迹 accomplish wonders

recycle 词根-cyc: ring 环

  • bicycle ----bilingual; bidirectional
  • motorcycle ----motorbike cycle
  • tricycle ----triangle
  • unicycle ----unit; unique
  • biocycle ----biology
  • hemicycle ----hemisphere
最后修改:2022 年 03 月 15 日